
Death Where is Your Sting? - Rector's Reflections

bee palm hand

"David, I'm afraid the bee will sting me."

"Peter, the bee can't sting you. It has already stung me."

Just as my brother held me as scared little boy. My older brother filled me with hope and courage to face the day ahead of us playing in the woods behind our house.

Why is is that the idea of Easter is so powerful? St Paul reminds us that Jesus death and resurrection fill us with hope for the future.

“O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55

It is precisely because Jesus tasted the very sting of Death, that there is no punch left in that ancient enemy. His death secures our forgiveness. His Resurrection secures our Resurrection.

This week journey with us in Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, 5th April. On Thursday, 6th April, we celebrate the Institution of the Lord's Supper followed by an All Night Prayer Vigil. Friday, 7th April,  we will remember the Passion of Hour Lord with Stations of the Cros. Saturaday, 8th April, we will begin our Easter celebrations with an All Age Easter Service followed by an Easter Egg Hunt.. We will cap off our celebrations with a sunrise service on Bethune Beach at 630am on Sunday 9th of April followed by two service one at 830am and 1030am.

I look forward to celebrate our great brother, captain and victorious King's triumph over the sting of the grave and the hope that this gifts to us.

In Christ,

Peter Tepper

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